1. What are agave straws made from?

Agave straws are typically made from the dried leaves or stalks of the agave plant. These parts of the plant are processed and turned into reusable drinking straws.


2. Are agave straws better than plastic straws?

Agave straws are generally considered more environmentally friendly than plastic straws. Plastic straws can take hundreds of years to break down in the environment, contributing to pollution and harm to wildlife. Agave straws, on the other hand, are biodegradable and more sustainable, making them a better choice for reducing plastic waste.

3.How long do agave straws last?

The lifespan of agave straws depends on how often they are used and how well they are cared for. With proper maintenance and cleaning, they can last for several months to a year or more. However, they will eventually wear out and biodegrade, which is part of their eco-friendly appeal.

4. How do you clean agave straws?

To clean agave straws, you can rinse them with warm water immediately after use to remove any residue. For a more thorough cleaning, you can use a pipe cleaner or a small brush to scrub the interior. They can also be soaked in a solution of water and vinegar or a mild dish soap to remove any stubborn stains or odors. Rinse them thoroughly and allow them to air dry before reusing.

5. Are agave straws biodegradable?

Yes, agave straws are biodegradable. They will naturally decompose over time, unlike plastic straws that can persist in the environment for centuries.

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Frequently asked questions

Why Agave?

We looked long and hard for a material that would be as durable as plastic during use but still break down in a timely manner. Agave was the best option, fully biodegrading in less than 1 year in almost all conditions.

Where do your products come from?

TropicPalm uses residual fibers from tequila production in Mexico. If these fibers wouldn't be repurposed into alternative products, they would go to waste.

Can I compost these products at home?

Yes! These agave-based products are fully compostable and biodegradable in under 1 year in virtually all conditions.

Can I use these products in my restaurant?

Absolutely! TropicPalm's agave-based products are FDA approved and perfect for commercial and home use.

What's wrong with other alternative products?

Paper-based products tend to break down mid-use, some "bioplastics" don't actually biodegrade, and other alternatives can be very pricey or gimmicky.

By all means, any alternative is better than any one-time plastic, we've just found that agave-based supplies are the best in maintining rigidity and keeping end-users saisfied while keeping prices as low as possible.

Our Return Policy

We want you to be 100% satisfied with your order. If you have any questions or concerns at all, please use the "get in touch" feature on this page or email bforgacs@agavetropicpalm.com.

Return Policy

We want you to be 100% satisfied with your order. If you have any questions or concerns at all, please use the "get in touch" feature on this page or email bforgacs@agavetropicpalm.com.