About Us

We have a major problem.

        One-time plastics have become a go-to staple for food and beverage supplies; they're cheap, easy to use, and are very durable. All of these seemingly positive traits are attractive to business owners; who wants expensive, hard to use, poorly made products for their customers?

        The problem therein lies after the products are used. From 1950 to 2015, only 9% of the total plastics produced were recycled. Where do 91% of all plastics go?

       Recycled plastics are transported to recycling centers where they are repurposed, and eventually re-used. However, plastics put in the waste bin go to a landfill, where they can be blown away into drains and rivers that eventually lead to the ocean. It's even easier for littered plastics to end up in the ocean, one windy day can can blow them into a nearby brook which leads them to the same place.  

How can I help?

       These one-time plastic products are slowly choking our environment: killing land and sea creatures, destroying animal habitats to make way for landfills, and polluting our oceans to irreversible degrees. We must find a solution to this undeniably major problem; using alternative products instead of plastics is a monumental step in the right direction.

Why Agave?

         Too many one-time plastics are being used, but many alternative products are subpar quality at best. This lead us to search for the best quality, affordable alternatives on the market today. Agave has been proven to be a "wonder plant" in diverse applications and can be used to produce tequila, syrup, and even textiles. Residual fibers from tequila production can be used to create strong plastic alternatives that withstand the toughest commercial and home use. 

Where we come in.

        TropicPalm was founded in 2020 with one thing in mind: contributing good to the world through providing quality, plastic alternatives. The idea started burning amongst the midst of countless family outings tainted by soggy paper straws. "There has to be some kind of better alternative," this thought resulted in us researching all the different kind of alternative products, eventually arriving at agave. 

        In the coming years, we intend to reach thousands of small business owners and families. One switch at a time, we can make a difference.